Ep 785 | Abortion Pill Ban? & NPR’s Accidentally Pro-Life Story

  1. edward edmund strauss says:


    You give too much credit to Catholic Anti Abortionists. The catholic believers are in circular reasoning, not linear reasoning, conserning reducing abortions. On the one hand they want the recognition as standing for unborn, but yet they believe in evolution, Even the POPE. They are also circular reasoning in that they are activist on the subject, even to physical action, yet they bless underage drinking. They practice social drinking, and most priests are under influence of alcohol (that converted liquid cannot be thrown away). Most abortions are direct consequence of teenage drinking, out of wedlock. In social setting (and work settings) across the land when someone does not join in on their liberalities they ostracize to the point where the person has trouble at work for their public condemnations.

    Edward Strauss

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