1. Abigail G. says:

    Thank you! I’m going to a very liberal art school in the fall and am realizing how important it is to have a defense for what I believe, and to know why I believe what I believe. I’m definitely going to be looking into these.

  2. Love you Allie!! My book list is a mile long!!
    Thank you for your resources! I would add the Sheologians podcast by Summer Jaeger as well. Also, Neil Shenvi’s website is 🔥

  3. Samantha D. says:


  4. Marissa says:

    This list is so wonderful to have! I absolutely love Eric Metaxas and his books and was excited to see a shared resource! Keep up all the great work you’re doing!

  5. Gina DaMetz says:

    Love having all of this in one list! What a great resource! Thank you!

  6. Tammie says:

    Hi Allie!
    On a recent podcast you had mentioned you were going to have a link to homeschooling resources on your blog but I am not seeing them. Could you direct me to where they are? Or maybe you haven’t had a chance to add them yet…
    Thanks for all you do and the truth you speak!!!

  7. Claire Lawrence says:

    The Radical Book for Kids, Exploring the Roots of Christian faith is great. Tim Challies is also a great resource for solid reformed book recs/reviews. (And has some good videos on what not to read!)
    We have also enjoyed Wise Words, Parables from Nature, Adventures in the Big Thicket, and The Lamb.
    For adults, anything by Jerry Bridges
    I think you meant little pilgrims progress

  8. Grace Ann says:

    Ahh, compiled at last into one long, beautiful list! Super helpful. Thank you, Allie!

  9. David Hood says:

    A friend forwarded your “Democrat response video” and thought it was spot on. Keep up the good work!

  10. Lyn says:

    Hi Allie— I love what you’re doing both online and via your podcast. Thanks for all the hard work you put into every topic you present. I was wondering whether you recommend The Gospel Coalition as a resource? I have learned a great deal there on theology and cultural topics but did not see it in your resources list and wondered if that was intentional. I’m wanting to learn your take, which I really appreciate.

  11. Star says:

    Allie, I just discovered you a couple of months ago and I’m so glad I did! Because there is so much going on in the world right now it’s easy to forget that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. I commend and encourage you for speaking truth to the masses. To that end, I have a few resources I’d like to add.

    A Christian Manifesto- Francis A. Schaeffer (you can also view his speaking engagements on the matter on YouTube).
    Pollution And The Death of Man- Francis A. Schaeffer
    Trinitarian Bible Society ( they have many resources there, including some coloring and puzzle books for kids.
    Reformation Heritage Books ( Puritan and Reformed literature.
    Songs For Saplings ( Various children’s resources for individuals and churches. Very missions minded.
    Rich Mullins- ‘Nuf said.

    Thank you for letting me add my two cents. Providential blessings!

  12. Alex says:

    Love the work you put into making things known and available for the sake of the gospel. Remember your first Love, sister, and do not grow weary in doing good <3

  13. Laura Jones says:

    This is an incredible resource list. I encourage you to check out Her-Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church. Christian women would benefit from seeing what faithfulness looked like in the lives of women in earlier generations. It would also help them see how the gospel has been used to liberate and elevate women all over the world. Thanks for all that you do!!

  14. Samantha Salib says:

    Hi Allie,

    Thank the Lord for your voice! You are truly an inspiring Godly woman, praise the Lord for all of your content, podcast, YouTube channel, website… everything you do glorifies His name. I am always sharing your content with friends and family in the hope that the Lord will reach them through you. Please continue doing what you’re doing as you are making a difference in so many lives.
    I am from Australia and I wish we had more voices like you here. I am currently 25 week pregnant and just listened to your ep.466 on biblical motherhood and thought it was brilliant. Can I ask did you take any MAT leave and if so for how long? Do you think there is an appropriate amount of time for a Christian mother to be on MAT leave? I guess I’m worried that if I take too little time then I won’t get to spend quality time with my baby teaching him the word… would love your advice here. Also, I have heard you talking about homeschooling in the past, is this something you are planning on doing with your children? It’s a little different here in Australia, very rare to find many Christians homeschooling. But would also love to hear your advice around this topic too.
    God Bless you Allie.
    Lots of love

  15. Ashley says:

    Hi Allie,
    Wanted to check in if you have any new additions to this wonderful list, specifically podcasts?
    Thank you!

  16. Jodi Taylor says:

    Thanks for this list, Many of whom I listen or have read. Do you have any recommendations for other women’s podcasts/blogs? I also love seeing what your shirts might have written on them. What are some sources for them?

  17. Wayne Rogers says:

    “Judy Rogers has done the impossible… 20 songs that cover the great themes of Scripture: Creation, the nature of God, the fall, sin, salvation, and the Christian life. Quality Music that is respectful of children, professionally performed, and not the least cutesy. (Quote on “Why Can’t I See God”)” – Mary Pride, The Next Big Book Of Home Learning

    “Judy Rogers’ music is one of a kind. Biblically concerned parents should obtain her music at all cost.” – Jay Adams, Author of Competent to Counsel

    “Judy Rogers’ music is the music of heaven, weaving together the three great virtues, goodness, truth and beauty.” – R.C. Sproul Jr., Ligonier Ministries.

    I would like to invite and encourage Allie to review and interview Judy!

  18. Jenise Gato says:

    I was wondering if Allie would recommend any of these link resources to locate a church that are listed in

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