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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re having a theological discussion on how Christians should treat Santa Claus. While it’s not a salvation issue, there are some verses in the Bible that can give us guidance on how to view the secular holiday icon. We also consider what the 19th-century theologian Charles Spurgeon had to […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to comedian and podcast host Bridget Phetasy about her life and how her views have changed over time. Bridget was more or less a typical liberal Democrat for much of her early adult life, before being unintentionally dragged into the culture wars. She talks about leaving the […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to Hillary Morgan Ferrer, founder of Mama Bear Apologetics. Hillary’s organization is dedicated to providing resources to moms who want to raise their kids with a biblical worldview. We discuss many different aspects of parenting: how to compete with the secular world, which would love nothing more […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to Benjamin Nolot, the founder and CEO of Exodus Cry, an organization dedicated to ending human trafficking. Nolot has a new documentary being released called “Raised on Porn,” which aims to expose the harmful effects that pornographic material has on kids. We discuss the biological effect of adult […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to children’s rights activist Katy Faust about standing up for the most vulnerable group in America: our kids. Faust believes that acknowledging the biological differences between men and women is integral to kids’ development, as well as being raised by a married couple to ensure proper development. […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to Dr. Andi Thacker, assistant professor of biblical counseling at Dallas Theological Seminary, about anxiety in adults and kids and the theology and science behind it. For the many of us who have been struggling with the weight of the world, Dr. Thacker has some biblical advice […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re finally going to do a deep dive into the topic of motherhood and the theology behind it. Unfortunately, it seems the rise in secular culture has also resulted in many people taking a negative view of having kids. Many people today are concerned about issues like climate change […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking about kids, parenthood, and progressivism, as represented in a few news stories that have been going around. First, we talk about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle receiving an award for planning to have only two kids. Apparently the Left is very impressed with their environmentally friendly approach […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking about the Texas Democrats who fled the state, abdicating their responsibilities, to prevent the Texas legislature from passing a voting integrity bill. To provide insight on the situation, we have a very special guest in studio: Allie’s dad, Ron! Ron is a former Texas politician and knows […]

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Brandon Showalter a journalist with the Christian Post who covers the spread of transgender ideology and the ways it hurts children, joins us. The truth is, the rapid rise of gender ideology is being pushed by a small group of wealthy elites, rather than rising from a grassroots level.

