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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re discussing the widespread teaching of critical race theory in schools and all the problems it’s causing for teachers, students, and society in general. To help shed some light on what’s really going on in the education world, we welcome teacher and administrator Tony Kinnett to the show. Kinnett […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking about the major elections that were held around the country and what they mean for political discourse going forward. Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race for Virginia governor in an upset that has the Left’s heads spinning. Voters across America rejected radical race and […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking with journalist Chris Rufo about the pandemic of critical race theory in schools. All over the country, parents are waking up to the leftist indoctrination their kids are receiving in the classroom and are rightly speaking up about it. In response, the federal government will now be […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to Monique Duson, founder of the Center for Biblical Unity, about issues like racism and critical race theory in the church. It turns out that progressive Christians, claiming to be working toward “racial reconciliation,” are misinterpreting the scriptures that motivate them. We also discuss how the Left’s […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Over the past few weeks and months, we’ve seen a dramatic shift in the Left’s rhetoric on critical race theory. They’ve gone from denying they know anything about it to embracing it loudly and proudly. However, almost no one on the Left knows what CRT actually is, and yet they […]

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Lindsay is one of the most knowledgeable people out there when it comes to critical theory, and his website New Discourses is dedicated to pushing back against woke narratives. Despite the good things that came from the Trump presidency, it also allowed critical race theorists on the left to exploit fear and misinformation, gaining ground in American culture.

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John’s book, ‘Awake and Alive to Truth’ discusses how the idea of ‘truth’ has changed over time, and how that’s affected the church. Philosophies like postmodernism and Critical Race Theory, in direct contrast to Christianity, view truth as subjective. They are literally ‘self’-centered, suggesting that ‘truth’ can be different to everyone. Furthermore, unlike other religions and secular philosophies, Christianity is the only thing that says we humans have inherent value.

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We speak with both of the hosts of the “Just Thinking” podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker. We discuss the idea of “liberation theology,” as espoused by Ibram X. Kendi, and how it gets both human nature and the Bible totally wrong.

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The Association of Christian Schools International has partnered with UnifiED. UnifiED is a group that seems wholly Christian on the outside, but after a little digging, it’s clear that the group is pushing critical race theory in education. The group has ties to James Cone, a black liberation theologian whose ideas fit very well with modern critical race theory.

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: To start off the week, we’re addressing recent allegations by Democrats that the Capitol riot could have been planned in advance. What does the evidence suggest so far? Then, a well-known critic of critical race theory, Chris Rufo, joins the show to explain what’s going on with racial indoctrination in […]

