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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re going over the proposed legislation in Maryland and Colorado that seeks to provide “equity for pregnant people” and seeks to protect “reproductive rights.” We talk about how these terms are essentially Orwellian “new speak” meant to sound nice while covering up what really happens every single time a […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re discussing Roe v. Wade and the case the Supreme Court is debating right now that could overturn it. The Left is going crazy over this possibility, but the reality is that abortion won’t be going away if Roe is overturned. But it will allow red states to create […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to Victoria Robinson, a pro-life activist and author whose organization, ReAssemble Life, seeks to help both women and men heal from the traumatic experience of abortion. We go through her own amazing story of redemption, and Victoria debunks many of the lies pushed by the pro-abortion industry. […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we start off by talking to National Review writer Alexandra DeSanctis about the Women’s Health Protection Act. DeSanctis closely follows the progressive pro-abortion movement and has all the relevant facts about this bill and how it really just exists to codify a “right” to abortion in law. Then, we […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: We start off with some good news: A heartbeat bill takes effect today, which empowers citizens to sue doctors who perform abortions after around six weeks. Naturally, this has the Left up in arms. Hilariously, they think that this bill makes the GOP comparable to the Taliban. We discuss the […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Today we’re talking to author J.D. Vance. Vance is currently running to represent his state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate, and we talk a bit about his politics and how his opinion on Donald Trump changed from 2016 to 2020. Then, we discuss J.D.’s faith and how his views […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: We start today by talking about the vandalizing of a Jesus statue in Arkansas. A group of leftists hung a sign on the statue’s arms that said “God bless abortion.” Obviously this is offensive and blasphemous, but why are progressives so eager to dismiss the value of human life? Then, we […]

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We take stock of what’s going on in America under Biden. Seems like nothing is going well and progressive Christians aren’t getting anything they wanted from the new administration, especially when it comes to the southern border and abortion policy.

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We speak with Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul about his recent legislative victory, which prevented Planned Parenthood from receiving Payment Protection Plan money that it really didn’t qualify for. We also have an update on Pastor James Coates. In the same city where Pastor Coates is in jail for holding church services at full capacity, yet another sex offender has been released into the community.

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We discuss the disastrous HR 1 “For the People” Act, which is anything but. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas joins us to give further details on the bill, like how it would limit free speech and make our elections less secure.

